Haru, a struggling magazine editor, meets the painter Toru during research for one of her articles. Toru is autistic and straightforward in expressing his thoughts. Haru is drawn to his honesty, and a deep emotional bond forms between the two despite their different personalities. Director Rika KATSU sensitively portrays their unusual relationship. 源自:https://db.nipponconnection.com/en/event/1367/spring-in-between
- 8.0 愛的狂熱
- 2.0 金牌河?xùn)|獅吼
- 7.0 挑戰(zhàn)者
- 6.0 錯愛2024
- 3.0 半糖初戀
1982 愛情簡介: 1980年代,江南某農(nóng)村。谷家灣生產(chǎn)隊副隊長谷正茂(陳述飾)和女兒小蘭(陳鴻梅 飾)整日醉心科學(xué)種田,小蘭媽(李玲君 飾)卻為女兒的婚事暗暗著急。一天,小蘭媽無意結(jié)識鄰村也為兒子劉純(朱順良 飾)婚事發(fā)愁的祝二嬸(高淬 飾),倆人相見恨晚,并商定擇日讓兒女相親。相親當日陰差陽錯,小蘭埋怨母親不該騙她來相親,劉純則借機跟谷正茂來到谷家。祝二嬸見兒子逃脫,便將堂侄祝興(毛永明 飾)拉來冒充,小蘭見假劉純一表人才,頗為中意,不料卻遭雙方兒女的反對。同是種田迷的劉純與小蘭在勞動中產(chǎn)生感情,金秋時節(jié),兩人共同培育的新稻種獲得豐收......